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Some of the  Ultimate Informatorium recommendations are listed below:

Presenting Young Adult Horror Fiction
by Cosette Kies. by Cosette Kies.

Sports Nutrition : Minerals and Electrolytes (Nutrition in Exercise and Sport)
by Constance V. Kies(Editor), Judy A. Driskell(Editor). by Constance V. Kies(Editor), Judy A. Driskell(Editor).

Copper Bioavailability and Metabolism (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol 258)
by Constance Kies(Editor). by Constance Kies(Editor).

Marketing and Public Relations for Libraries (Library Administration Series, No 10)
by Cosette Kies. by Cosette Kies.

Nutritional Bioavailability of Calcium (A C S Symposium Series, 275)
by Constance Kies(Editor). by Constance Kies(Editor).

Nutritional Bioavailability of Iron
by Constance Kies(Editor). by Constance Kies(Editor).

Presenting Lois Duncan (Twayne's United States Authors, No 635)
by Cosette Kies. by Cosette Kies.

Public Relations and Marketing for Libraries
by Cosette Kies. by Cosette Kies.

READYMIX KIES-UNION AG: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (Financial Performance Series)
by Ltd. Icon Group. by Ltd. Icon Group.

READYMIX KIES-UNION AG: Labor Productivity Benchmarks and International Gap Analysis (Labor Productivity Series)
by Ltd. Icon Group. by Ltd. Icon Group.

Supernatural Fiction for Teens : More Than 1300 Good Paperbacks to Read for Wonderment, Fear, and Fun
by Cosette N. Kies. by Cosette N. Kies.

Writers Manual and Workbook
by Kies. by Kies.

èAbte, Kies und Duffesbach : zur Geschichte der Kèolner Vororte Sèulz und Klettenberg
by Hans-Michel Becker. by Hans-Michel Becker.

Besoeke aan enkele rekenaar- en inligtingstelsels (insluitende biblioteekstelsels) in Wes-Europa, en aan die derde Internasionale Kongres oor Wiskunde-Onderwys, 1976
by J. D. Kies. by J. D. Kies.

Collecting Victorian Staffordshire Pottery Figures/With Price and Rarity Guide for Pieces
by Charles Kies. by Charles Kies.

Danilo Kiés izme³u Cetinja i panonskog potopa : zbornik radova sa nauécnog skupa, Cetinje, 15.-17. oktobra 1993
by Charles Kies.

Geschichte aus dem Kies : neue Funde aus dem Alten Rhein bei Xanten : Publikation zur Ausstellung im Regionalmuseum Xanten vom 6. Juni bis 31. Oktober 1993
by Charles Kies.

Gorki talog iskustva
by Danilo Kiés. by Danilo Kiés.

Gorki talog iskustva
by Danilo Kiés. by Danilo Kiés.

Helmut Kies
by Helmut Kies. by Helmut Kies.

Kies : Roman
by Barbara Kèonig. by Barbara Kèonig.

by Agnes Piszâar. by Agnes Piszâar.

by Mihajlo Pantiâc. by Mihajlo Pantiâc.

Knjiga o Jobu u hrvatskoglagoljskoj knjiézevnosti
by Antonija Zaradija Kiés. by Antonija Zaradija Kiés.

Knjiézevni pogledi Danila Kiésa : ka poetici Kiésove proze
by Jovan Deliâc. by Jovan Deliâc.

Lauta i oéziljci
by Danilo Kiés. by Danilo Kiés.

Leefbaarheidsaspekte van drie dorpe in Bophuthatswana
by C. W. Kies. by C. W. Kies.

Leefbaarheidsaspekte van vier dorpe in Kwazulu
by C. W. Kies. by C. W. Kies.

Meerdoelige opname onder kleurlinge--1977, enkele aspekte van sport en ontspanning
by C. W. Kies. by C. W. Kies.

Meerdoelige opname onder Swartes in stedelike gebiede--1978, enkele aspekte van sport en ontspanning
by C. W. Kies. by C. W. Kies.

Mâelanges de littâerature en hommage áa Albert Kies
by C. W. Kies.

Mâuzsâaknak szentelt kies tartomâany : tanulmâanyok Somogy mîuvelîodâestèortâenetâebîol (XVIII-XX. sz.)
by Jâozsef Kanyar. by Jâozsef Kanyar.

The Occult in the Western World : An Annotated Bibliography
by Cosette N. Kies. by Cosette N. Kies.

Pesme i prepevi
by Danilo Kiés. by Danilo Kiés.

Probleme der Lagerstèattensicherung fèur oberflèachennahe mineralische Rohstoffe : erl. am Beispiel Sand u. Kies
by Gerd Lèuttig. by Gerd Lèuttig.

Problems in Library Public Relations
by Cosette Kies. by Cosette Kies.

Projecting a Positive Image Through Public Relations : Including a Communication Audit for School Media Centers (School Media Centers ; No. 2)
by Cosette Kies. by Cosette Kies.

by Danilo Kiés. by Danilo Kiés.

The South African building plan
by Theo Kies. by Theo Kies.

A tomb for Boris Davidovich : a novel
by Danilo Kiés. by Danilo Kiés.

UVP in der Regionalplanung : die Sicherung oberflèachennaher Rohstoffe am Beispiel Kies in der Region Donau-Iller
by Ulrich Ottersbach. by Ulrich Ottersbach.

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